
Fall Fitness For Moms

Enrollment NOW Open!

October 8, 2020

I’m a firm  believer in the importance of making time for yourself.  As women,  especially as moms, spouses, caregivers, etc., it’s so easy to  put our  own needs on the back burner as we put the needs of others  first. Once I  learned to invest time into taking care of myself, I  realized that it  actually helped me become better at accomplishing all of the things that  I needed to do each day. 

How  did I do it? I joined an online fitness community and started working  with a coach (who also happens to be my best friend) to develop a plan  that would get me moving and work on improving my nutrition. I got   access to an online library of workouts that I do at home and was   introduced to my favorite superfoods shake and my workout supplements,   including my “Mom Fuel” as I refer to it. I found time in my busy day  to  focus on me, on movement and on feeling good. 

Since  starting, I’ve been able to lose 60 lbs. and I'm still going strong!  I’ve also been able to stop taking medications for depression and high  blood pressure. But,  most importantly, I’m no longer feeling mentally  and physically drained  at the end of my days. I feel good knowing that  I’m becoming stronger  in so many ways and that I’m teaching my daughter  the importance of  self-care, too! 

I  loved these changes so much that I became a coach myself and now  help  other women get connected to the same tools that have helped me on  my  journey. It’s been so amazing to give back to others in this way and   I’m ready to help more ladies get started this fall!

There’s  something for everyone at every fitness level. Our  nutrition programs  can be used with or without workouts. And, there’s  even a special  program just for prenatal and new moms that helps prepare  your body for  delivery and with recovery. Best of all, you get to do it  all from the  comfort of home on your own schedule and you get to be  supported by me  as your coach and an online community of ladies who are  doing the same  thing. 

For more information about how to get your enrollment started, complete this FORM or email and put Fall Fitness in the subject line.