
10 April Holidays & Occasions Not To Miss

Two major religious holidays happening this month, plus April Fools' Day, Parks Week, and more!

By Macaroni KID March 25, 2025

April is a time of renewal, from Passover to Easter. It's also the time of year for many of us when trees start to bud, snow boots make way for rain boots, and flowers begin to pop up in our yards. 

But along with those familiar rites, April also has its share of other holidays and events. Here are 10 special holidays and events your family can mark in April:

Katarzyna Bialasiewicz via Canva

Autism Awareness Month 

One in 59 children born in the United States is on the autism spectrum. It is the fastest-growing developmental disability, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Want to know more about autism? Read "The Warner Boys: Our Family's Story of Autism and Hope" by Ana and Curt Warner, whose twin sons were diagnosed with autism at 5 years old. April 1-30

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

National Child Abuse Prevention Month

All families need help sometimes. Make the commitment in April to learn new ways to strengthen child and family well-being. Find out more from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. April 1-30

Golib via Canva

April Fool's Day

Kids are all about April Fool's Day! Here are seven ideas for fun (and harmless!) April Fools' Day pranks to play on your kids. Have fun! But always watch your back. April 1

 Getty Images via Canva

National Library Week

Libraries are at the heart of our communities and schools, providing a public space where all community members can come together to connect and learn. Check out the wonderful programs at our area libraries or just pop in and enjoy a book! April 6-12

 Getty Images Pro via Canva


Passover, also known as Pesach — the Hebrew word for Passover — is celebrated during the spring, the time of rebirth. This holiday also celebrates social justice, freedom, and equality — very relevant concepts today. Here are eight common questions and interesting facts about Passover. April 13-20

Brad Dorsey from Pixabay

National Park Week

Celebrate America's treasured parks! National Park Week is a time to explore amazing places, discover stories of history and culture, volunteer, and explore a national park near you! April 20-28

Getty Images via Canva


This holiday marks the date Christians believe Jesus was resurrected from the dead. It's also a day kids look forward to because the Easter bunny visits. Check our Easter Fun article for local events! April 20

 Niko Shogal via Canva

Go Fly a Kite Day

Go Fly a Kite Day is celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of April every year. This year it falls on Easter, April 20th. Add a Kite to the kids' Easter baskets this year and head to a nearby park - Signal Hill Park in Manassas, James Long Park in Haymarket, and Rady Park in Warrenton are perfect kite-flying spots. No need to wait until Go Fly a Kite Day though - just pick a beautiful day with a breeze and head outside! Note: Signal Hill Park's Kite Festival is on April 26th. April 20

 Elena Mozhvilo via Unsplash

Earth Day

This is a great day to assess how your family impacts the environment and think about small changes you can make to help our environment. April 22

 JackF via Canva

International Dance Day

International Dance Day is celebrated every year on April 29th, the birthday of Jean-George Noverre, creator of modern ballet. Celebrate by choosing your favorite dance style to learn more about, look into dance class options in the area (the Summer Camp Guide is a great start!), or simply dance together in your living room! April 29